
Functional Skills Maths level 1


Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics at Level 1 andLevel 2 are for learners who want to develop understanding and skills […]



Functional Skills Qualifications in Mathematics at Level 1 and
Level 2 are for learners who want to develop understanding and skills in mathematics.
The qualifications give learners the opportunity to:
● demonstrate a sound grasp of the underpinning skills and basics of mathematical
skills appropriate to the level, and
● apply mathematical thinking to solve simple problems in familiar situations.

Qualifications aims and outcomes

Functional Skills mathematics qualifications at these levels should:
● indicate that students can demonstrate their ability in mathematical skills and their
ability to apply these, through appropriate reasoning and decision making, to solve
realistic problems of increasing complexity;
● introduce students to new areas of life and work so that they are exposed to
concepts and problems which, while not of immediate concern, may be of value in
later life; and
● enable students to develop an appreciation of the role played by mathematics in
the world of work and in life generally.


Externally set exam

Entry requirement

No formal entry requirement, But learner will be initial assessed at centre to detremine if course is suitable to the learner.

or Functional skills entry level 3 qualifications