
Fire Warden Training Also known to as Fire Marshal Training


Having a designated fire warden at work is an important part of fire safety. The fire warden works together with […]


Having a designated fire warden at work is an important part of fire safety. The fire warden works together with the employer to ensure that fire safety measures and evacuation procedures are in place and effective.

This course will provide you with the necessary theoretical training required to be a qualified fire warden. It will educate you about what your legal duties are, will provide you with an understanding of fire, familiarise you with fire hazards and fire safety arrangements, and detail what your emergency evacuation procedures should entail. The information in the course will enable you to take responsibility for fire safety in your workplace and protect everyone’s wellbeing.

Aims of the course

By the end of this Fire Warden Training course, you will understand:

  • The main laws for workplace fire safety.
  • Your role as a fire warden.
  • The different categories of fire.
  • How fires may start and spread in a workplace.
  • What is involved in a fire risk assessment?
  • Common causes of fires in workplaces.
  • Control measures to prevent or minimise fire risks.
  • The different types of fire extinguishers and their uses.
  • Fire detection, fire warning, and fire equipment.
  • Requirements for fire plans.
  • What your specific role is during emergency evacuation procedures.
  • Fire safety measures for people with vulnerabilities and disabilities.
  • The purpose of personal emergency evacuation plans.
  • How to carry out fire drills.

Who should take this course?

This Fire Warden Training course is suitable for anyone who will be taking on the role of a fire warden in their workplace. Anyone at any level can take it and no previous knowledge is required – it covers the basics of fire safety and then goes into more detail about the specific fire safety responsibilities of fire wardens. It will educate you about what your duties are and how to fulfill them.