LIMT inetrnal verification policy

LIMT Internal Verifier Sampling Strategy and Plans Policy

1. Introduction

LIMT Internal Verifier Sampling Strategy and Plans Policy

To ensure open, fair, unbiased, valid, reliable, accredited internal verification of LIMT provision across each principal subject area. consistent support for assessors and learners through regular, effective contact

Principal Director of Studies

LIMT faculty, managerial and administrative staff


08 November 2012
20th April 2021
LIMT faculty, managerial and administrative staff 12th November 2024

LIMT has found assessor-internal verifier-learner interaction help to generate consistent assessor practice and faster learner progress.

2. Aim:

This policy seeks to ensure open, fair, unbiased, valid, reliable, accredited internal verification of LIMT provision across each principal subject area. It seeks to ensure accurate, detailed recording of LIMT internal verification decisions and ensure consistent support for assessors and learners through regular, effective contact.

3. LIMT Undertaking:
In order to achieve the above aim, LIMT is committed to ensuring the following:

  • ●  An awarding body will accredit a lead internal verifier (IV) via the verifier’s successful completion of the awarding body’s standardisation exercise
  • ●  Each lead internal verifier will oversee effective internal verification within each main principal subject area
  • ●  LIMT will define, maintain and support IV roles
  • ●  LIMT will promote internal verification as an intra-staff developmental process
  • ●  LIMT will provide and use standardised internal verification documentation
  • ●  LIMT will verify LIMT assessment processes toward external body qualifications as fit for purpose
  • ●  LIMT will internally verify an appropriately structured sample of assessment toward awarding body qualifications and do so across all LIMT: o programmes,
    o assessmentsites,
    o assessors, o verifiers, o learnersandrangerequirements
  • ●  LIMT maintain secure records of all its internal verification activity toward awarding body qualifications
  • ●  LIMT will review this policy if new requirement arise from awarding bodies otherwise. 4. Procedure: The LIMT internal verifier will undertake internal verifier activity every three months or as per need and requirements of awarding bodies of courses offered. This will involve each assessor and some or all of their learners. Internal verifier activity will include:
  • ●  Sampling the units according to the LIMT sampling plan (below),
  • ●  Observing assessor practice at least once per year
  • ●  Interviewing candidates regarding their experience as learners of LIMT’s assessment practice.
  • ●  Observing and monitoring exam ( at least 5 sitting exams) if awarding body required this as method of assessment.
  1. Each internal verification plan applies to all candidates registered within the period of Semester 1 and Semester 2. The plan applies until the learner completes or leaves. Candidates who register after the period of Semester 1 and 2 will be allocated to the next internal verification plan.
  2. Plan

The internal verifier will sample a core unit. This will form the basis of standardisation of internal verifier and assessor activity for LIMT. LIMT will aim to identify problems common e.g. interpretation of standards, as well as uncommon problems and then plan and implement any remedial actions.

Internal verifier sampling relative to the core unit will focus on the following:

  • ●  Method of Assessment ~ Direct observation and witness testimony – which form the main required assessment method
  • ●  Stage of the Assessment Process ~ clarity and appropriateness of assessment planning. LIMT will seek to ensure that if learners are uncertain regarding how to proceed, this is not due to unclear or otherwise inappropriate assessment planning;
  • ●  Sampling of Other Units ~ as a small centre, LIMT will sample one other unit for each candidate to ensure that over the period the LIMT internal verifier is sampling all o units,
    o assessmentmethodsand
    o stagesoftheassessmentprocess.
  • ●  Additional sampling (new or unqualified assessors) ~

o Qualified,butnewassessor~theplanwillincludeadditionalsamplinguntil

the internal verifier is confident that the assessor sampled is can efficiently

and effectively execute LIMT assessment and related procedures
o Unqualifiedassessor~theplanwillincludeadditionalsamplingduringthe period LIMT is providing the core unit; then once the assessor is qualified,

additional sampling until the internal verifier is confident that the assessor sampled can efficiently and effectively execute LIMT assessment and related procedures.

A qualified assessor must oversee and countersign the first judgement within each unit, until the assessor is regarded as qualified.

Appendix A

IQA arrangement for First Aid qualifications:

The internal verifier will sample a core unit of first for every Batch of first aid training programme. This will form the basis of standardisation of internal verifier and assessor activity for LIMT. LIMT will aim to identify problems common e.g. interpretation of standards, as well as uncommon problems and then plan and implement any remedial actions.

IQA sampling plan for First Aid qualifications:

IQA sampling procedure (for first Aid qualifications)
Special arrangement has made for assessment for first Aid qualifications In line of AO. requirement all practical activities and assessment of First aid programme will be visually recorded, store and available for IQA and SV when needed. All learning outcomes in the unit has achieved. Assessment may take place at any time during the delivery of the qualification and does not need to be done as a final assessment.
The LIMT internal verifier will undertake internal verifier/ IQA activity for every practical assessment for each batch performing against the Skills and knowledge is laid down:

  • by the Resuscitation Council (UK) and
  • in other publications; provided that they are supported by a responsible body of medical opinion. This will involve each assessor and some or all of their learners. Internal verifier activity will include:
  • ●  Sampling the units according to the LIMT sampling plan
  • ●  Observing assessor practice.
  • ●  Interviewing candidates regarding their experience as learners of LIMT’s assessment practice.
  • ●  Observing and monitoring first aid training if awarding body required this as method of assessment.
  • ●  Sampling of trainer/assessor work

● Sampling of learner work and must verify with the video recording if observation was not performed.

The sampling plan would identify who requires an IQA assessment, what units need to be verified and when.

Individual IQA staff should then produce an IQA Activity Plan for each activity they will be undertaking. This plan outlines what units/outcomes are to be verified, how the assessment will take place (methods), any resources needed by the IQA, any special needs identified by the assessor, how feedback will be given and how outcomes will be recorded. This plan ensures transparency, consistency and standardisation across the IQA team involve in quality assurance of First aid qualifications.