LIMT Health and safety policy

Health And Safety Policy v4

Health and safety policy

General Principles

  1. At the College we are committed to achieving high standards of health, safety and environmental practice.
  2. The Management Board expects staff, students, visitors, contractors and other employers who work at the College to share this commitment by complying with College policies and procedures, and to understand that they too have legal and moral obligations to themselves and to one another.
  3. We intend to ensure the health and safety of all persons who may be affected by our activities by:
  1. Consulting with and involving our staff and students in matters relating to their own health and safety.
  2. Providing, managing and maintaining our workplaces, grounds, and properties so that they are, as far as reasonably practicable, safe and that risks to health are controlled.
  3. Providing adequate and appropriate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
  4. Providing, managing and maintaining plant and equipment so that it is, so far as reasonably practicable, safe and that risks to health are controlled.
  5. Identifying hazards and conducting formal risk assessments when appropriate in order to minimise the risk for all activities undertaken by the College.
  6. Ensuring that control measures and emergency procedures are: in place; effective ; properly used; monitored and maintained.
  7. Implementing systems of work that are safe and where risks to health are controlled.
  8. Providing the information, instruction, training and supervision at all levels necessary to ensure that staff and students are competent to supervise or undertake their work activities and are aware of any related hazards and the measures to be taken to protect against them, and giving adequate information on relevant hazards to any persons whose health and safety might be affected by them.
  9. Keeping up to date with best practice in relation to health and safety and complying with all relevant legislation and authoritative guidance.
  10. Monitoring the safety performance of contractors who work for us..
  1. Where there are no existing College policies or guidance, we expect our staff, students and contractors to implement the highest relevant standards and to comply with relevant legislation. Where no standards or legislation exist, we will work with our staff, students and contractors to develop systems which comply with best practice and eliminate or minimise the risks so far as reasonably practicable.
  2. We will promote a positive health and safety culture in the College and educate our staff and students in health and safety. Wherever possible, information on health and safety legislation and standards applicable to a particular course will be included. In areas of work or research which are highly regulated, staff and students will be expected to attend certain courses as a mandatory requirement.
  3. We undertake to continually review and develop our safety management systems, with the overarching aim of


conducting our activities in a manner which does not affect the health and safety of any staff, students, contractors, visitors or members of the public, or adversely affect the environment.

Risk Assessment

Statement of College Policy

1. College requires that the risks of all activities, on and off site, which may affect the health and safety of its staff, students and others are assessed. The risk control measures that are implemented should be what is reasonably practicable in the circumstances and should be regularly monitored and reviewed. The way assessments are undertaken will depend on the nature of the activity and the type and extent of its hazards and risks.

Introduction and Scope

2. The Code describes the arrangements made by departments to ensure that the process is a practical one and includes managers and representative staff and students.

Responsibilities and Functions

Heads of Departments

3. Heads of Departments are responsible for their departments compliance with College and statutory requirements and will ensure that:

  • Risk assessments are sufficient and the management responses fit for purpose in the particular circumstances of their department.
  • Their departmental arrangements for risk assessment and control are adequate.
  • Competent persons are appointed to promote and co-ordinate risk assessment and control and to initiate the assessment review process. GeneralHealth and Safety

1. College requires all classrooms and workplaces to be suitable for the work activities that take place in them so as to protect the health and safety of staff students and others who work there. All operations which involve a risk of injury or harm should be avoided as far as is reasonably possible and all work and activities in the college will be expected to comply with Statutory and College Codes.

Fire Safety

2. The College requires all classrooms, offices and premises to have plans and procedures for contingencies and emergencies, including fire, accidents and first aid. The plans and procedures should be are based on identified hazards and risk assessments and include provision for visitors, guests, the public and contractors to be informed of fire precautions and emergency procedures.

Fire alarm Activation device is provided in the building by the landlord for safety all person. Assembly point is designated outside parking area

It is College Policy to:


  1. Ensure that all staff, students, contractors, visitors, and members of the public are protected from the risk of fire;
  2. Carry out fire risk assessments and identify, implement, and maintain appropriate control measures;
  3. Ensure that all College buildings comply with statutory requirements; and
  4. Provide staff, students, contractors and visitors with sufficient and appropriate fire awareness instruction and training.

3. External Operations (Field trips etc.)

  1. All offsite work must be organised so as to minimise the risks to the health and safety of staff and students.
  2. As far as is reasonably practicable, risks must be assessed before travel and controled to the same standard as would be required for work in College.
  3. Where significant risks are identified, the risk assessment must be documented
  4. All work overseas must comply with the regulatory requirements of the country in which it takes place.
  5. Individuals involved in offsite working must be provided with appropriate information and training to control risks.
  6. College will maintain appropriate insurance to cover institutional and personal liabilities.
  7. Standards for students will be the same as for staff

It is the responsibility of every student and staff member to follow this policy, over application of risk assessments and fire safety will be the overall responsibility of the Principal and the owners of the college.

Covid -19 preventation and safety.

Since Covid-19 pandemic this is responsibility of the all centre staff to following government and public health England guideline. LIMT will conduct online classes with the approval of relevant awarding bodies but where necessary face to face delivery all involved staff must take extra measures to ensure safety of candidates and staff. Risk assessment must carried out before the session start along with the following measure

  1. Through cleaning and disinfection of sitting arrangement door handle and all possible touchable places.
  2. Ensure gloves and face mask available all the time on site
  3. Ensure candidates and trainer wear mask all the time, tutor/ trainer and teacher can remove mask during the lesson
  4. Before session start candidates sit at maintain distance 1 meter.
  5. Learner must entre and leave classes with maintain distance.
  6. Health deceleration from all candidates before they session start.
  7. Any covid-19 symptom arise even after class or outside or any family member residing with staff or learner must inform centre.

4. First Aid

It is College policy to provide first aid support if someone is injured or becomes unwell in College, or when involved in College-sponsored activities, and to ensure that College complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1991. A prime objective of the College Policy is that someone trained in basic first aid skills should be able to attend an incident within 3 minutes of help being requested during normal hours and within 10 minutes at other times.