LIMT complaint policy and procedure


4. The Student Welfare office will organise the response to the complaint. The complaint will be acknowledged in writing within 3 working days of receipt and will state that an investigation will take place into the issues raised. Complaints are normally dealt with in writing via post or email.

5. Where appropriate the complaint will be passed to the Principal to carry out an investigation by contacting appropriate staff who is involved in the complaint or responsible for the students concerned. The Student Welfare office will maintain an overview of the progress of the complaint and be responsible for informing the complainant of what is happening. The Student Welfare office will write to the complainant with the outcome of the investigation and actions to be taken by the college. We aim to ensure that this will take place within 15 working days.

6. If the complaint relates to serious staff incompetence or inappropriate behaviour, then the Student Welfare office will inform Principal. The Registrar will also be informed. Where appropriate the Principal will arrange for a formal disciplinary investigation, which will include interviews
with the complainant, the individual(s) complained of, and witnesses.

7. If an issue relating to student behaviour with disciplinary potential, including instances of bullying or harassment, is revealed, or if this is the nature of the original complaint, then the Student Welfare office will inform the Principal who will carry out an investigation under LIMT’s Equality Policy and Procedures.

8. If the complainant wants to appeal because they are not satisfied with the resolution, s/he may appeal to the Principal directly and he will carry out an investigation of the process previously followed.
The contact details for the Principal are:

Farhan Younus
London Institute of Management and Technology
No. 7 Cranbrook House
61 Cranbrook Road
If the process is found to be thorough and to have considered all the evidence then the outcome will not be changed. Finally, if the compliant is still unsatisfied there exists a right to complain to LIMT’s accrediting body.

9. The Student Welfare office will keep a log of all complaints received.