Level 3 Certificate for Working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private Security Industry

Course Details

Level 3 Certificate for Working as a Close Protection Operative within the Private Security Industry is for learners who work in, or who want to work in the private security industry as a close protection operative.
It gives learners the opportunity to:

  • Develop knowledge, understanding and practical skills required to become a licensed close protection operative such as planning, preparing for a close protection operation including risk assessment.
  • Develop skills in conflict management and their abilities in managing and resolving conflict in the context of the role of a Close Protection Operative
  • Learn about the legislative framework within which the close protection industry operates; team roles, personal security, and the attributes required, including the importance of team working and interpersonal skills
  • Achieve a nationally-recognised Level 3 qualification
  • Achieve a licence to practise
  • Develop their own personal growth and engagement in learning.

Entry Requirements

Learners should have language skills to the equivalent of the following:

  • A BI level qualification on the Home Office’s list of recognised English tests and qualifications
  • An ESOL qualification at Entry 3 or higher (e.g. Level 1 or 2) on the Ofqual register taken in England, Wales or Northern Ireland
  • An ESOL qualification at Scottish Qualifications Framework levels 4, 5 or 6 awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and taken in Scotland
  • Functional Skills Level 1 in English
  • SQA Core Skills at Scottish Qualifications Framework Level s 4, 5 or 6.

It is an SIA requirement that each learner has a valid first aid qualification OR can evidence sufficient training or experience to the:

  • Level of the First Person on Scene (FPOS) Intermediate Award – 30 hours (Pearson/IHCD) or
  • Level 3 Award in First Aid Response (HABC) or equivalent


A large proportion of learners who complete this qualification already have secured jobs pending successful licence application to the Security Industry Authority (SIA), therefore the qualification helps them to progress successfully into employment as a Close Protection Operative. Learners can also progress into related security qualifications, should they wish to change career, such as the BTEC level 2 Working as a Door Supervisor within the Private Security Industry as they will have already completed the conflict management unit required and can therefore directly RPL this and complete the remaining specialist units. Learners can also progress into a foundation degree in Protective Security Management or a foundation Degree in Crowd and Safety Management.

Age Requirement



Total qualification time (TQT)

170 hours

Guided learning hours (GLH)

140 hours